
High quality QR Code

Best rated Create QR Code today? Set the pixel resolution of your QR code with the slider. Click the “Create QR Code”-button to see your qr code preview. Please make sure your QR code is working correctly by scanning the preview with your QR Code scanner. Use a high resolution setting if you want to get a png code with print quality. Now you can download the image files for your QR code as .png or .svg, .pdf, .eps vector graphic. If you want a vector format with the complete design please choose .svg. SVG is working in software like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. The logo and design settings currently only work for .png and .svg files. See more details on QR Code Generator.

In the 1960s when Japan entered its high economic growth period, supermarkets selling a wide range of commodities from foodstuff to clothing began to spring up in many neighborhoods. Cash registers that were then used at checkout counters in these stores required the price to be keyed in manually. Because of this, many cashiers suffered from numbness in the wrist and carpal tunnel syndrome. Cashiers desperately longed for some way to lighten their burden.

Like the development of many technologies, QR Codes were created out of necessity. QR Codes actually started out as Barcodes with their typical purpose: for supermarkets. In the 1960s, Japan was experiencing a wave of economic growth. Supermarkets expanded from selling just food items to adding in clothing and a versatile range of other commodities. So, they basically realized that they needed a way to keep track of everything. Before Barcodes existed, cashiers had to manually enter individual items (can you imagine?!), which of course took ages. Due to the health issues created as a result of these heavily repeated actions like carpal tunnel syndrome, supermarket managers knew they needed to find a solution. See extra details on

The two-dimensionality that allows for more data storage in QR codes also speeds up scanning in two important ways: More data can be accessed by optical scanners at any given time. This is because the optical scanner is accessing information encoded in two directions. The code itself can be scanned from more versatile angles and distances. This is especially useful for machine parts-many with unique and inconvenient shapes-moving along a fast-paced assembly line. Read about QR code scanning problems, QR code tests, and how QR codes work for more information about the technical scanning process. Both increase scanning speed and efficiency-especially if using a dynamic QR code which transforms a short redirection URL to a QR code-crucial to Denso Wave’s initial manufacturing issues. Dynamic QR codes also, conveniently, can be used as a QR code tracking and reporting system.